Hello today I will tell you about CP ninjas.
Back in penguin chat 3, you were able to become a ninja. When you were on the screen when it asked which penguin to choose, you would have to click on the second N in penguin. Not many penguins new that. So you could see tons of ninjas walking around or very few. The ninja hideout was the Boiler Room. To get to the boiler room I think you had to waddle behind the speaker on the right side. One reason the Boiler room was a hide out for ninjas is because all of the old news issues went there, and ninjas do read the news. Also back then there was a very little amount of rooms, so I don't think they could have had the dojo.

Here are is a rumor about Billybob: So when Jet pack adventure was first launched there was a picture of Billy bobs penguin on the launch pad, but they say that he had a darker shade of black on then a normal penguin!

When the updated version of Aqua Grabber was launched the penguin inside also had a darker shade of black!

Another rumor is when during the beta testing of Club penguin penguins saw Screen hog with a ninja suit on. They asked how he got it and he said "I am testing the ninja suit". It kind of sounds strange. That could mean he, and Screen hog really are ninjas. But wait there's more. One last one , so when you see the monitor for the dojo (in the HQ for secret agents) back when you could see fake penguins in the screens they said after about a minute the penguins (that were blue (the fakes)) would turn black. Whoa that's a lot. Now my next addition of my stories will be about every siting there ever was.
If you read this whole story/rumor thanks, this took me a while.
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